Creating a new job
- To create a new job, select
/ Job Menu
/ Create new job
- Select JOB NAME.
- Enter a name and confirm.
Note: Default file names are indicated in the file name fields. Preferably use a logical, ordered naming system to facilitate use in future seasons.
- Confirm the new job.
Creating job regions
If one or more boundaries of the current field have been assigned a category and a job is active, the region types for the current job may be selected.
Note: All regions not categorised as job regions or excluded regions are considered as if the respective boundary does not exist for this job.
- To set a job region, select:
/ Job menu
/ Configure job regions
Job regions: the contents of the boundaries are included in the area for this job.
Excluded regions: The contents of the boundary are excluded from the area for this job.
- Select the types of region to be included and excluded for the current job.
Note: Areas which will be processed are indicated in lighter grey on the map (if automatic section control is active and Boundary Limit function is not set to Unlimited).